48 research outputs found


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    The environmental function of vegetation provides a comfortable living conditions for people in the city. Green plantations affect the gas composition of air and the degree of its pollution, form the climatic characteristics of urban development, reduce the influence of the noise factor, have phytoncide properties, form a comfortable environment for human habitation

    Маркетинг роздрібної торгівлі

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    Посібник містить навчально-методичні матеріали для вивчення дисципліни "Маркетинг роздрібної торгівлі". Блок навчально-методичного забезпечення включає методичні поради до кожної теми дисципліни: необхідні пояснення до теми, план семінарського заняття, основні питання для обговорення, практичні завдання, завдання для перевірки знань та контрольні питання. Призначено для студентів економічних спеціальностей всіх форм навчання

    Causal loops for analysis of the social dimension to complex systems

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    Better methods of analysis and communication are needed to analyse civil engineering and environmental systems that have a social dimension. Causal loops are examined as a way to improve analysis. Opposition to landfills is developed to show the role that causal loops could provide in social/technical systems analysis. The example leads to a conclusion that public access to an on-line database of monitoring data could help reduce opposition. Causal loops are highlighted as one way in which we can reorganise our thought and use a new language to analyse our increasingly complex civil engineering and environmental systems

    Использование сетей доверия для задачи скрининга

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    Factors of Formation of Business Activity in an Organization in Innovative Conditions

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    Currently, our country is in the phase of serious qualitative transformations caused by the need for the economy to recover from the crisis caused by the sanctions of Western countries. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to guarantee sustainable economic growth, to ensure stable economic development of all economic entities, in particular to increase their business activity. The task of increasing the business activity of the organization is of particular importance. The competitiveness of companies is steadily declining, which is associated with the unproductiveness of the business management system and the reasons for its formation.This means that it is necessary to develop fresh science-based approaches and directions that meet the task of increasing the business activity of the enterprise

    New approaches to stereocontrolled glycosylation.

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    The conceptually simple process of linking carbohydrate units by glycosylation has proven to be one of the most difficult synthetic processes to control from a stereochemical perspective. In particular it is the stereocontrolled synthesis of 1,2-cis glycosyl linkages (e.g. α-glucosides, β-mannosides) which poses the most difficult challenge. The research presented in this thesis describes new ways in which stereocontrol in glycosylation reactions can be achieved. New methods of neighbouring group participation have been explored, utilising novel protecting groups at the 2-postion of a series of glycosyl donors. In particular the use of glucosyl donors bearing a 2-O-(2-(2,4,6- trimethoxyphenyl)thio)ethyl protecting group at the 2-hydroxyl, have shown exceptional α-selectivity especially when a completely armed donor was used. Work within this thesis also describes the use of chiral Brønsted acid catalysts in stereoselective glycosylation reactions. However the yields and stereoselectivity obtained were not very encouraging

    The mechanism of innovative development of the agricultural sector of the economy: an empirical approach

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    The innovative model of the agricultural sector of Russia is presented as a set of subjects and institutions whose activities are aimed at implementing innovative processes in the agricultural sector of the economy. Due to the ability to use a wide range of legal, administrative, economic, and other means of influencing the innovation sphere, it is the state that has a central role in the mechanism of innovative development. It is proved that the formation of the mechanism of innovative development of the agricultural sector of the economy should be carried out on the basis of the institutional model of innovative development of the agricultural sector. The mechanism of innovative development of the agricultural sector of the economy, developed in response to the requirements of the institutional model of the introduction of innovative technologies, is proposed. The innovative model is a recognized guideline for the strategic contours of the development of the agricultural sector, makes it possible to construct such a type of interaction of productive forces and the implementation of industrial relations, which carries the foundations of progressivity. The process of formation and optimization of the mechanism of innovative development of the agricultural sector of the economy is proposed to be divided into the following six stages, which allows us to identify potential opportunities for activating the innovative model of the agricultural sector. A methodological approach to the diagnosis of the functioning of the mechanism of innovative development of the economy has been developed, based on the technology of solving complex problems by analyzing hierarchies